
Helping millions of developers easily build, test, manage, and scale applications of any size – faster than ever before.

DigitalOcean Business Information

DigitalOcean simplifies cloud computing so developers and businesses can spend more time building software that changes the world. With its mission-critical infrastructure and fully managed offerings, DigitalOcean helps developers, startups and small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) rapidly build, deploy and scale applications to accelerate innovation and increase productivity and agility. DigitalOcean combines the power of simplicity, community, open source, and customer support, so customers can spend less time managing their infrastructure and more time building innovative applications that drive business growth.


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πŸ™Š Communication
πŸ™Š Communication
🧠 Knowledge & Skills
🧠 Knowledge & Skills
🎁 Ability to Deliver
🎁 Ability to Deliver
πŸ€‘ Value for Money
πŸ€‘ Value for Money
πŸš€ Innovation, Creativity & Technology
πŸš€ Innovation, Creativity & Technology
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