UTC International Business Information

UTC International has been established in the Republic of Lebanon since 1962. UTC International business purpose is to manage and promote the profession of accounting, auditing, management consulting, and tax services, constituting a worldwide network ("UTC International Network") under its management with independent accounting and consulting firms as Members.

UTC International Network aims at cooperating and sharing their professional best business practices through common ownership, control/management, common quality control policies and procedures, or common business strategy.

ā€¢ Referral of clients;

ā€¢ Joint project assignments;

ā€¢ Consultation on technical or industry-specific issues,

ā€¢ Assurance engagements with regards to Audit &

Quality Assurance methodology or manuals,

ā€¢ Compliance with anti-money laundering laws

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šŸ™Š Communication
šŸ™Š Communication
šŸ§  Knowledge & Skills
šŸ§  Knowledge & Skills
šŸŽ Ability to Deliver
šŸŽ Ability to Deliver
šŸ¤‘ Value for Money
šŸ¤‘ Value for Money
šŸš€ Innovation, Creativity & Technology
šŸš€ Innovation, Creativity & Technology
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