BDO in Sri Lanka & Maldives

BDO Sri Lanka (BDO partners) is an independent professional service network with global capabilities and distinctive local strengths and understanding.

BDO in Sri Lanka & Maldives Business Information

BDO Sri Lanka (BDO partners) is an independent professional service network with global capabilities and distinctive local strengths and understanding. Operating since 1958, BDO partners provides Accounting, Tax and Advisory services to clients with highly qualified staff of more than 300 led by 8 Partners. BDO's global network provides advisory services in 167 countries, with over 90,000 people working out of 1,658 offices worldwide.

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🙊 Communication
🧠 Knowledge & Skills
🧠 Knowledge & Skills
🎁 Ability to Deliver
🎁 Ability to Deliver
🤑 Value for Money
🤑 Value for Money
🚀 Innovation, Creativity & Technology
🚀 Innovation, Creativity & Technology
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