
Som dedikerte fagpersoner er vi lidenskapelig opptatt av nye ideer og unge talenter når vi bygger produkter, tjenester og merkevarer. Med vår strategiske tilnærming til innovasjon, reklame og forretningsutvikling utfordrer vi våre kunder til å tenke annerledes – om både sin egen bedrift, sine merkevarer og tjenester.

Superblaise Business Information

Superblaise solves communication challenges and works strategically with innovation, advertising, design, content and business development. As we build brands, products and services, we are dedicated to the development of new ideas, stories and talent.

We are engaged, driven and insightful. Our in-house ethos is strong. We pride ourselves on building long-term relationships with our clients. We are convinced that the world needs new ways of thinking to produce fresh ideas. Superblaise is an agency where young people meet experienced communicators to create new stories and increased value for our clients.

Through our many years of experience, we have learned that we don't know everything all of the time. We believe in collaboration! That's why we draw on external expertise in our broad network when needs arise. Our offices are part of 657 Oslo, Norway's largest coworking space for creative businesses. Together we are over 200 highly engaged people, running a total of nearly 100 businesses. Both Superblaise and UT student agency, are situated at 657 Oslo, Fredensborgveien 24 D.

If you are a talented individual looking for opportunities, contact us at [email protected]

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🙊 Communication
🙊 Communication
🧠 Knowledge & Skills
🧠 Knowledge & Skills
🎁 Ability to Deliver
🎁 Ability to Deliver
🤑 Value for Money
🤑 Value for Money
🚀 Innovation, Creativity & Technology
🚀 Innovation, Creativity & Technology
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