From Old to Gold: Transforming Legacy Systems with Modernization Techniques (with Real Examples)

We often work with clients who come to us asking to rebuild their existing applications rather than rebuilding them from scratch. Sometimes, a client’s company relies on outdated critical business software that has been the backbone of its operations for many years. Over time, as such applications become obsolete, they hinder growth and innovation and cause multiple issues, including security risks, inefficient infrastructure, and performance bottlenecks. Many organizations struggle to develop new solutions from the ground up, deterred by the daunting task of recreating complex applications and the substantial resources required.

That’s precisely when software modernization can come to the rescue. In a way, it can feel like trying to patch an old torn blanket to make it last longer instead of buying a new one. However, with a proper approach, introducing changes to the working legacy application can help create more effective and reliable solutions that correspond to current requirements and ensure future growth. Integrating modern functionalities in existing applications helps bridge the gap between old and new.

Software Modernization Challenges We Usually Face

Each application we work with is different from all others, and we treat them accordingly. The more applications we modernize, the easier it is for us to classify them into one category or another, which helps us identify several main groups of challenges we need to solve.

Redesigning Legacy Systems

Customers often ask to modernize legacy applications without fully understanding the complexity of such a task. Projects of this kind require not only changing the user interface, but also revisioning of all business logic. As a result, it requires completely rewriting both backend and frontend components.

Rewriting business logic in such scenarios introduces additional issues. It’s not always easy to understand the application’s original intent and the potential for introducing new bugs or inconsistencies. Documentation review can be a good starting point for understanding the original design and intended business logic.

Unfortunately, documentation is not always available and sometimes inconsistent. Especially when we speak of decade-old apps that different development teams have worked on over the years. In this case, our developers must somehow extract business rules from the legacy app. There’s a wide range of possible solutions, including business analysts interviewing the business people who interact with the application, reverse engineering, utilizing code analysis tools, and others.

Example: UI/UX Modernization for a Construction Management Web App

Detailed Project OverviewUI/UX Modernization for a Construction Management Web App

Issues: The client’s application had a complicated backend and legacy frontend. There was a lack of unified UI/UX design across different parts of the construction project management software. The app’s functionality flow was stiff, with old controls and a lack of user-friendly features. Static forms without dynamic form options made the user experience challenging. There was also a lack of ability to configure forms and tables according to business requirements and a lack of documentation for the legacy software.

Our Solution:

  • Implemented Dynamic Forms and Tables allows users to customize their interface.
  • Backend-to-Frontend Configuration: Ensured dynamic loading and consistent styling of elements, with backend control over the app’s appearance.
  • Webix JavaScript UI Library: Used to rebuild the front end, introducing features like global search, complex filtering, and customizable table configurations.
  • UI Design Enhancements: Replaced bulky icons with intuitive text buttons, introduced light and dark themes, and customizable theme settings.
  • User Lists and Role Management: Enhanced with photos and detailed information, with more flexible access rights.
  • Transition Feature: Users can switch between old and new UI for a gradual transition.
  • Advanced Components: Integration of Webix Report Manager, Document Manager, and User Manager for improved reporting, file handling, and role management.

As a result, the modernization transformed the client’s application with a consistent, intuitive user experience, greater interface control, and enhanced collaborative capabilities.

Database Update

It is widespread to save vast amounts of data when modernizing legacy applications. Customers often want to save their data and integrate new functions. This requires migrating the existing data structures (e.g., data models, database tables and schemas, etc.) and sometimes creating new ones. It may be necessary, for example, when the customer’s company changes business processes and introduces new workflows or changes in legal requirements necessitate new data structures. It can pose a significant risk to the business without a proper approach.

One of the most significant issues we can face is the loss or corruption of valuable business data. To avoid it, we can choose between multiple solutions, including performing data audits, implementing backup strategies, ensuring the data formats between old and new software versions are compatible, and more.

Example: Advanced ERP Software for Manufacturing Company

Detailed Project OverviewAdvanced ERP Software for Manufacturing Company

Issues: The client used various legacy applications and databases across different departments, leading to inefficiencies and decreased productivity. Switching between applications for production planning, customer information, task assignment, and performance assessment caused workflow disruptions. There was a need for a centralized ERP solution to streamline information flow and extract valuable insights.

Our Solution:

  • Automated Data Management: Delivered an ERP system that automatically gathers, stores, and analyzes enterprise-wide data.
  • Data Migration: We employed migration scripts to collect, migrate, and map data between the old and new systems. The risk of data overwriting or duplication was mitigated through a meticulous data mapping process. Developers identified data matching markers (typically key fields such as user data, dates, and objects) to compare existing and incoming data. This strategy ensured the uniqueness of each data entry, effectively preventing duplication or overwriting issues.
  • Real-Time Data Access: Provided real-time data on warehouse material availability and alerts for potential shortages.
  • Data-Driven Decision-Making: Added a reporting module that collects and presents information on product demand, team productivity, machinery downtime, and production costs through a BI dashboard.

In collaboration with our client, we transformed their business operations by automating and enhancing their processes. This initiative involved phasing out outdated applications and introducing a modern, intuitive ERP system designed for efficiency and ease of use.

Developing and Expanding the Existing Application

Customers who want their apps to evolve and grow often face the necessity to rewrite a significant part of the code or start development from scratch to ensure high-quality work and implement new functionality. In such scenarios, before expanding the application, our team needs to perform architecture review, codebase analysis, dependency check, security audit, and other activities to ensure smooth integration of new functionalities and avoid disruption of the existing app.

Example: Human Resources Information System

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