How Much Does It Cost to Develop an App and Which Methods Can Reduce Expenses?

Application development is not an easy process that requires certain procedures to be performed. You need to think through the entire Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), choose technology stack, form a development team, allocate tasks between all participants, understand stakeholders’ requirements and business operations. There is a lot to do, and figuring out the amount of resources and determining the cost that will be spent on the development process is one of the key steps.

When you want to create an app, having doubts about the costs is predictable. Any company may be overloaded with tasks and projects, so having a clear idea of how to act with the available budget is wise. That is why, in today’s article, we want to take a closer look at the expenses that can be spent while making an app and find out the ways to decrease expenditure.

Factors That Affect App Development Cost and Ways to Cut Them

Before starting web application development or mobile app development, you may need to consult your Business Analyst to gather and analyze all benefits and downfall points. You can even look for a Digital Business Analyst to get a better understanding on the digital side. In any case, it will be better to realize which sums can be spent and what might be saved.

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There are diverse factors that influence the development speed, cost, and overall process, and they should be mentioned during the analysis. It all depends on each particular case, industry domain, and business goals, however there are common factors that any company may take into consideration. So, let’s explore some of them in detail.

  • Type and size of an app

The size and type of an application differs from one to another depending on your company’s needs. Thus, a small app that is going to work on one platform only and that will have a limited number of features won’t require many resources from your team. Such a process may take just a couple of months. If you want to add something bigger, like payment methods, multi-language support, messaging, or even integration with third-party systems, these options will take more time and resources. As a result, you may need about 4-9 months or even more.

  • Operating system and compatibility

Not every app may be launched on any device, and your team has to decide which platform to use. There are several options to select from. For example, you may need to develop a custom web application from scratch or upgrade it to the modern standards. This process will take one set of actions to perform. If you are going to opt for the mobile application development services, you will need to decide whether you are choosing between Android app development or iOS app development. This choice will take you on another path. Also, some companies pick to go for cross-platform application development services to broaden their businesses. Therefore, you need to have a clear idea of what you are planning on.

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  • Back-end and front-end infrastructure

This is another factor that plays an important role in reducing or increasing the cost of an app. In order to create an app, you need to think through both back-end and front-end sides, and the developers have to know what to implement. Thus, back-end developers have to set the right logic of the server, while front-end developers need to work on the UI/UX development and design. Both types of specialists will need to consider which tools, programming languages, and methodologies to use to make a suitable app. And, each of their decisions may have an impact on the budget.

There are also other factors, such as app security, its further maintenance, QA and testing services that you may need in the process. You may also be required to augment your team with more experts if the in-house one lacks specialists with certain skills. And choosing a certain technology stack is one of the factors that can influence your decision on hiring a dedicated team of developers. Each situation is unique, so let’s explore real-life examples and see how other companies from various industries have dealt with their issues.

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Do you want to know about the cost of developing different apps? Continue reading here: