3 Trends That Will Affect Mobile App Development

The number of applications downloaded worldwide has been on a constant rise since 2016; it hit the 200 billion benchmark in 2019. In 2020, the worldwide mobile app revenue peaked at 188.9 billion US dollars. Over this time, applications have continued to evolve to maintain their status quo on the user front, but also because it's necessary to stay on trend in today's marketplace.

Here are what trends are expected to influence the mobile app development market in 2022:

1.The Introduction of 5G

Switching to a 5G network means decreased latency, increased traffic capacity, more uniform experience with multi-Gbps peak rates, greater spectrum, network efficiency, and improved connection density. Easy to say that 5G alone has the capability of switching the mobile application development strategy in its entirety. Businesses are now expected to plan for higher concurrency since consumers will no longer tolerate lags and loading times.

2.The Glory of Artificial Intelligence

AI has matured since 2019 and is now ready to be incorporated into applications to further enhance consumer experience and shape the internal processes of the business as well. The largest companies in the world are leveraging AI to develop a mobile application that generates greater business. The spending for AI is said to reach $30 billion by 2025.

3.Nurturing the Internet of Things (IoT)

Leading brands have been firing up competition in the IoT sector constantly. This is the network of physical things or objects that may be embedded with software, sensors, and other technologies to exchange data over the Internet. It started with wearables, but now the technology has made itself a part of multiple industries.

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